Thursday, April 20, 2017

Welcome Baby Maggie!

April 18, 2017 was a crazy day at New Day! In the midst of weekly grocery shopping, the Prosthetics team working hard at the clinic, and Papa Ron & Mama Dee arriving back at New Day after their trip up North, two men arrived with a baby....a baby that had been born the night before. Little Margaret "Maggie" was born on April 17 to her 21 year old mother who died soon after from complications from a c-section. This was her third c-section. She was married to Maggie's father, but he is unable to care for his children. Culture dictates that the children would go to maternal family members, but the men claimed that there were none left living. The father's side of the family had nobody willing or able to care for the baby, so they brought her to New Day with a syringe of milk. And Maggie's new life began.

The morning after she arrived, Mama Liz (who will care for her the first 3 months before she moves into the orphan house) had to go to a doctor's appointment with a couple of our other kids, so the Tidwells babysat! It's been awhile since we had a TWO DAY OLD in the house!!!!

How did I get anything done when I had babies?! Maggie is eating and sleeping good, and we are confident she will be a healthy little girl!

Meanwhile, school is out, so there's been some other things going on around here!

A haircut (finally...) for Cason!

The older girls have been making bead necklaces during their school break!

I found $2 Nike and UnderArmour hoodies in the Choma market!!

And Teacher Diana is back!!

Back in the USA...Blu's brother Cloud made a surprise visit to Texas over Easter! Can't wait to see them again!

The Tidwell cousins, minus our 3! We'll all be together in Costa Rica in less than 4 months!

My grandmother and Uncle John & Uncle Zach were also all together over Easter! Looking forward to spending some time with my grandmother this Fall!

Prosthetics is here right now as well, but I will wait and do a separate blog post with their pics - they are SWAMPED with patients this year but are loving using the clinic for their work!

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