Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Show & Tell Tuesday

Well, today is Show & Tell Tuesday over at momfessionals.com, and today's show and tell is "Show and Tell Us about your Favorite Vacation." That sounds like something I totally need to participate in! ;) We have traveled to various places in the USA, Mexico, and overseas, and I can honestly say that there has not been a place I didn't love! (Ok, ok, Enchanted Rock is not my favorite place ever...) But when thinking back to my favorite vacation, I would say without a doubt it was New York City in March of 2008!

Central Park was my absolute favorite part of the city - it was absolutely GORGEOUS.

The funny thing, Blu was SOOOO miserable!! It was freezing, wet, and his socks were wet, but I hiked us ALL OVER Central Park!!

We also enjoyed seeing The Phantom of the Opera!

And Good Morning America...

And of course, the Statue of Liberty!

We had amazing pizza, Max Brenner chocolate and cocoa, saw the WTC site and museum, Times Square, ate at Bedouin Tent in the heart of Brooklyn, etc...etc..etc.. It was just an amazing trip, and it was so fun to experience this city for the first time - just the two of us! AND on the last day of our vacation, we found out we were expecting Cason Mark!! :) NYC is one of the few places I would go back to again..and again...and again!!

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