Thursday, February 4, 2016

Good Morning from the Tidwells!

This is what pretty much every morning looks like in the Tidwell house...

I'm up first, getting up at 5am for my quiet time and then head outside quietly at 5:30am for my 1.5 mile run.

At 5:40am, Caedmon heads outside for a 1.5 mile run, followed by his quiet time on the front porch

Around 5:45am, Cambree & Blu hit the trail for a half mile jog/walk, followed by their quiet times on the front porch.

We all get back from our run and find Cason like this...

Here's what else is going on! The Palace #2 (our second staff house) is being built by Crispin. Brian & his family are living in The Ark until it is ready for them to move in to!

A new tank goes up with the help of a crane!

The lines for Happy Hollow have been dug - now it's time to pour the foundation footings!

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