Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 2024 Update!

June has been busy for some of us - for others, it's been a pretty chill month!  Here is a look at what the 5 of us have been up to so far this summer!

Cason attended Tarleton State University's football camp with his friend Rex - getting ready for Junior year!

He also spent a week volunteering on the Recreation Team for Preteen Camp!  Here he is with Karly & Emma.

Rec Staff 2024

Any 15 year old who will get on stage and do the dance moves is a good kid ;)

Rec Staff

Playing games

Fun with Emma, Karly, & Heath

Helping with the BB guns station

Blu was there for part one of the week with our church!

Cam has been shopping :)

And hanging out with friends - here she is with Raylee

She also had to go to Ft Worth for an appointment at Cooks Children's Hospital. It was an AMAZING place - she and Blu were a mess!

She also got her hair done!

And said goodbye to Kirsten as she headed out for Navy Bootcamp.

She's been doing classes at the local gym with me too!

Last sleepover with Kirsten & Gentry

Goodbye breakfast with the gang - Emma, Cam, Gentry, Keely, Karli, & Kirsten

Praying for Kirsten before she left

This is a GREAT place to eat on I-20 between Fort Worth & Abilene!

She's a tad bit spoiled...

Sometimes I have to look twice to see if it's me or if it's Cam!

She also attended her second year of Worship Camp at Southwestern Seminary in Fort Worth!  Everyone loves Cam!

The worship choir

Headed off to her dorm

Cam at Cooks

Hair :)

Cam's band at worship camp - she opted to play keyboard instead of guitar this year!

"Babysitting" = getting a foot massage!

A fun meetup in Hamilton with her Waco friends

A closer up of Cam in the worship choir

Caed is back in College Station taking a Physics class at Blinn.  He'll be home in 2 weeks!

He's spending a lot of time at the gym!

And he bought a guitar and is teaching himself!

He also turned 19 on the day he left for College Station!  We had a quick party before he left!

Cambree got him a GIANT cereal bowl!

New fit for his new job at Cheddars!

I've made THREE trips to Fort Worth this month and took advantage of it to go and see the school I attended for 3rd and 4th grades.

And to see if Braum's still sells orange sherbet :)

Happy Fathers Day to my Daddy!

I also got a gym membership, so I've been doing this...

The street we lived on for 3rd-4th grades in Fort Worth

Our house had been demolished, but this was our backyard.  I played a LOT of games of tetherball and badminton out by this tree.  I left a note on the tree for my younger self.

Walmart for groceries!

Blu - the jack of all trades - working on electrical stuff at church

Preteen Camp sponsor - again!

Blu with the boys

Looking good in that hat!

We all went and watched Inside Out 2! I was SOOOO excited!! Those movies are the best.

Texas Roadhouse with my man

We got to visit with Jessica and her fam who were visiting Fort Worth from Mississippi!  Our schedules never match up, but it was perfect and we spent a couple of hours together at a trampoline park!

Landon & Blu (Jessica's husband - they were music minister and youth pastor together back in 2008-2009)

The gang

A random Zambian meal of nshima, chicken, beans, and cabbage!

Happy Fathers Day - minus one!

Happy Fathers Day - plus one!

Inside Out 2!

Another pic of us with Jess and kids!


I met Jessica when she was 15 and in our youth group.  I am SO proud of her and her awesome family! :)


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