Saturday, June 1, 2024

Cambree's Senior Trip - Grand Canyon Hike!

Well, this was definitely physically the toughest day of my life!!  We decided to hike the South Kaibab Trail down to the Ooh Ahh Point and Cedar Ridge and then back up.  It was 1.5 miles down and then back, which didn't sound so bad.  It didn't sound so bad until I was about 3/4 mile down and realized how much I had left to go and how I was going to have to climb this back out!!!  My kids and hubs were amazing though and kept telling me I could do it!  I did it, I'm glad I did, and I'll NEVER do it again!

Poor Caedmon took Business Calculus as a May term, so he had a test and a final he had to take while we were gone.  Thankfully we were able to find two coffeeshops along the way with Wifi!

Here we go down!

Our family photographer!

Love this!

Down, down, down....

Pretty views the whole way!  We didn't start the hike until about 9:30am so it was pretty warm!


Family pic on a curve!

I can tell by my smile that we have just started the hike!

The boys waiting for us to catch up!

Cam waiting with her camera as we turned a corner!


It was very desert-like!

Still going down!

Ready to go!

This picture makes me laugh!  When we got to Cedar Ridge, all of the guys had their shirts off, so Blu took his off too! I couldn't believe he did this and then posed on a rock! :)

I was pretty terrified the entire time that someone was going to fall.

Pretty!  I saw this at 15 on a family trip, at 21 with Blu, and at 43!  This was Caedmon's first time to see the Grand Canyon though!

Rest time!

This gives you an idea of how many people were there - it was a crowded trail!

Aww!!  Cam & Cason headed down.

So. Many. Switchbacks.

Made it to Cedar Ridge!

Love this pic!

Blu is NEVER tired!

Blu & Cam tried to get this pic just right!

This was my face for most of the hike!

Look at Cam!

Resting.  Again.

I was very done with pictures at this point!

So. Tired.

Caed is going up!

We had to park at the visitors center and hop on a shuttle bus to get to the trailhead.


We had great hiking equipment!

Whoa.  This is definitely an accurate pic of what it felt like!

On our way back up....

Gig 'em!

Resting...waiting for Mama!

Matching hiking outfits (Cam insisted!)

My babies on top!

Family selfie!

These two loved hiking.

This was at the very beginning - I can tell!

Cam did a great job!

Cason :)

They loved their hiking water packs!

This is hard to see, but the big rock in front of us...that's about six switchbacks that we had to climb to get to the top!

Always smiling!

Resting again.  Tired of pictures.

Cedar Ridge!

Ooh Ahh Point

My face...I had just spotted all of the switchbacks I still had to climb...


At the end, waiting for the shuttle bus to come get us!

Ready to hike!

My face says it all...

I was not turning around for the picture.  I was trying to breathe.

Love this man :)

Perfect senior trip!

Finding shade wherever she could!

Crowded trail!

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