Saturday, June 1, 2024

Cambree's Senior Trip - Calf Creek Falls!

We had planned to do several hikes in Utah, but ended up doing just one, and it was a doozy!  Lower Calf Creek Falls is a 6 mile round trip hike to an amazing waterfall.  After our first night camping in Utah, we headed to Calf Creek, which is along Scenic Byway 12 between Escalante and Boulder, Utah.  It was a gorgeous drive!  (And...we found an amazing coffeeshop, Kiva Koffeehouse, along the way!) 

Hanging out at Escalante Outfitters while Caedmon takes his Calculus final!

Baby fruit with her iced vanilla latte - she was happy!

Gorgeous hike views!

Every time I stopped and took a break, Blu (and Caedmon) picked flowers for me and put them in my hiking pack!

I was so sunburned!  We hiked from about 10am - 2pm - not the most optimal time for hiking!

If there is a cave, Blu is inside of it!

The boys took this picture right at the start of the hike.  5 seconds later, Cason got up and said, "Caedmon. There's a snake behind you.  Get up."  It was crazy!  (Pics to come)

This hike was way less crowded, although a huge Boy Scout troop did pass us!

Here we go!

My silly kids..

Up close with the waterfall!

SO pretty and SO worth it!

The water was COLD but Blu didn't care!

First glimpse of the falls!

Kiva Koffeehouse!

A Boy Scout leader took our pic :)

Bucket hat for the win!

Blu's shoe choices...

Waterfall fun!

Caed got bored and hiked in this stream

I was SO mad at my kids in this pic!  There were numbered posts along the way telling you how far you had to go.  (14 posts in all).  On our way back, they yelled out to me that we had just passed post 2 and were almost done.  After hiking about another 15 minutes, we passed post 2 - they thought it was sooooo funny that they had tricked me.  I threatened to punch them all.

Caed :)

They braved the cold!

So. Much. Hiking.

I loved watching them chase each other in the Falls!

My babies! (and a random guy)

They are much closer friends now that Caedmon has moved out ;)

Pretty girl - she loved this hike!

Blu took a LOT of pics of me hiking!

Rock climbing!


Can you see the snake that was behind Caedmon for that picture??

It was actually a really neat hike - I told Blu that my younger self would have loved it SO much!

Sandy and rugged Utah!

Cason :)

Caed :)

Cam :)

Fitting in a cave again!

He stayed dirty for the entire week!

Pretty Cam!

I needed both hiking sticks!

Squeezing in!

It's cold!!!

Time for coffee!

I made it!

This is what Caedmon pictured when Cason told him there was a snake behind him.  I can't stop laughing at this picture!

Hanging around

Waiting for Mama in the shade!

Blu diving in!

So tired of taking pictures during hikes when I'm trying not to die!!

Handsome Cason!

Here we go back up....

Gig 'em!


Sliding down the "slide"


It took us about 3 hours round trip with 1 hour spent at the falls

Sweet Blu loved this :)

I told Blu I felt like Abraham and Sarah walking in the desert... (to which my kids replied, "Maybe you're pregnant!") ;)

It was a great day, a great trip, and I wouldn't trade anything for the time together we got as a family.

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