Saturday, June 1, 2024

Cambree's Senior Trip - Camping!

Camping is NOT my favorite thing to do!  I never once camped growing up except for the one night trip with my youth group at the age of 15.  I married into a family of outdoorsy people, and then I moved to Zambia, where multiple years of my life involved camping!  So when Cambree said she wanted to camp (no RV, no electronics, not at a campground), I prepared myself.  After failing to convince her to switch to yurts so that we could go "glamping" instead, I bit the bullet and started perusing Amazon for camping equipment.  It honestly turned out great.  I'll definitely never camp again, but it was still pretty great. ;)

After 3 nights in the tent...I was kinda done!  

Hanging out with Cam

Foot massages after hikes!

They laughed at me for buying a privacy tent and camping bag showers...until they all wanted a hot shower after a hike!

This guy engineered his own bush toilet - it was pretty great! (I mean, I assume it was...the rest of us were not invited to use it...)

She can eat an entire watermelon by herself!

Always matter how tired he is!

Around the fire in Utah - this was our last can tell everyone is over it!

Blu making some pancakes!

View from our campsite on Hole in the Rock Road near Escalante, Utah

Our campsite in Utah - it was sandy and hot and the wind was blowing, but we were very secluded!

Utah site


A pretty night around the campfire in Arizona

My sweet baby boy!


Campsite in Arizona

These trees were awesome!

Camping.  Yay.

Setting up camp!

Starting supper on our first night!

Leftover brisket, fried potatoes, and veggies!

She's kinda a natural at this!

Teenage boys for the tent set up win!

Such a cutie!

So pretty!

Cam taking photos while the boys set up the tent!

The plan was to camp somewhere along Long Jim Loop Road outside the Southern entrance to the Grand Canyon.  It was pretty crowded (Memorial Day weekend), but Blu kept driving, and off-roading, and driving a little more, and putting the truck in 4 wheel drive and driving up ditches, and then we arrived at this site above.  PERFECT.


Burritos for the win!

I can do it!

Kite flying in Utah

Me reading a novel to the kids

So handsome!

Setting up camp!


Tired of cooking over the fire!

First night supper!

These $1 Walmart kites were a win!

We set up camp, took it down, set it up, and took it down again!  It was a lot of work!

Caedmon's bush toilet ;)

Setting the tent up again!

Hauling stuff.. again!

The tent was COLD at night!

Late night s'mores!

Such a pretty campsite in Tusayan, Arizona!

Love this time with him!

Morning.  Ugh.  

Staying warm!  She slept in 5 layers one night!

More breakfast burritos

Blu serving as my "shower boy" turning the tap on and off for me! #spoiled

Set up!

Sleepy and cold!

This swivel grill was a great purchase for cooking over campfires!

Double kites!

He ALWAYS has a good attitude!

:) Love that smile

My man!  There's no way we could have done pretty much any of this trip without him!


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