Monday, October 15, 2007


Guess what was in the mail today........OUR LONG-AWAITED IMMIGRATION APPROVAL!!!!!!!!!!! :) I was so excited to see it!!! I immediately put a copy in the mail to our agency along with the last part of the first half of our adoption fees!! Now we will be put "in line" for a referral!! When Rachel, the adoption coordinator, gets back from Liberia, we're going to talk to her about special needs kids under the age of 4.

I'm excited! I feel like God heard my prayers and knew how bad my heart was hurting and He knew I needed a lift!! Another interesting thing--the date of completion on our I-171H was October 4, 2007. That was the day we found out that we lost our referral of Samuel. A small reminder that God knew all along what was going on and He remained in control!

Thanks for everyone's prayers! I promise another comical story from Zambia in a post tomorrow!


Jessica said...

Congratulations! I'm glad things are moving along!

Amber G. said...

Congrats! God knew the exact week you needed that tiny little oh-so-significant piece of paper! God is so good.
I've been praying for you since I read your last post. I can understand why you're feeling that way after the timeframe adjustment... Anyway, just wanted you to know I was praying for you. I'm excited to hear what comes about after your talk with Rae!


Anonymous said...

YEA!!! So happy for you!!!! Love, Denise

S and K said...

YAY! Praise the Lord. Yes, He does know exactly what we need! I am so happy for you to be one step closer.
Yes, the Lord is in control and I cannot wait till that time when you get to hold your new son/daughter for the first time and confirm, once again, that He does have a plan, even through the pain!
Can't wait to hear who that little one is!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I hope you will at least be at the top of the line for a referral!
