Our internet has been down, which has affected my blogging, but here are some pics for you to see what they have been up to at New Day! And I promise that Steve & Ethan are here, even though I don't have any picture proof :)
On the bus to New Day!

Blu's scared face - Wes was driving!

Pizza stop on the way to New Day!

This team has been to Zambia MANY times, so they are foregoing the Victoria Falls trip. Instead, they stopped at a small craft market on the way for some souvenirs!

Cambree, Gertrude, and Axer ready to welcome the team!

Linlee gets a hug from Kefi

I love this picture!!! Josh and his family lived at New Day for 3 months in 2011, and the kids couldn't wait to give him a hug!!

Neither could Mulenga!

See our pretty New Day road!

Devotion time - it's about 45 in the mornings this time of year!

The whole group at morning devotion - Sonya led this one!

Teacher Diana staying busy in her Preschool class as Trish observes

Trish gets some Kefi love!

Cason LOVES Mr. Kevin (and all of his electronics!)

Precious & Axer ready for school!

Teacher Carolyn ready for her day!

This is my favorite picture ever a volunteer (Trish) has taken!!! They found a bat up in a tree - don't you feel like this image should be on Survivor or something?!

Axer on the rope swing at our playground!

Every morning, the team is spending 3 hours in the villages around Kabanga - visiting huts, sharing the Gospel, and praying with people! Here is one team starting their hike into the bush!

In the afternoons all the women are staying behind and helping the New Day kids with library time, music and art class, and playground time! The kids love Grace!

Grace & Christina on the seesaws

This will make your day brighter :)

Cambree adores Linlee - all the New Day kids call her "Lingling!" :)

Playground time!

Kefi will melt your heart when he's not being mischievous!

Linlee & Trish during library time

Linlee & Precious on the swings

Grace & Linlee had music class with all 22 kids for one hour!!

Sonya ready to start her day - look at this baobab tree!

Shoes lined up outside the classroom :)

Melinda has been helping us out by doing some painting!

We've also been playing some Spicy Uno, where Trish is the Reigning Queen!

We love library time!