Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Cantata

We got a preview of the Christmas Cantata by my parent's choir at Ocker Church! We will miss it this Sunday but they were amazing!!!

I told Blu when it was over "We should do something like that at New Day!" He said "Uh, yeah...but we'd have to translate it into Tonga..." Oh yeah...

My grandmother Marie is here for 3 weeks from Oregon to see us! We always tease her about her lack of a smile in pictures, but bless her heart, she tries!

There's mom in the choir! She hits all the high notes!

There's dad on the back right! He wins the prize for having the best facial expressions while singing!

Well looky there! It's Ms. Carolyn singing in her last Ocker Christmas cantata for awhile, since she will head with us to New Day in 6 weeks!

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