Saturday, August 21, 2010

Fish ou of water

Being in America was interesting. It was amazing to be apart of Jessica's wedding and to get to hang out with everyone from our home church and to see my family again after 7 months. But about culture shock!! When I think of culture shock, I picture someone walking around Walmart and being in awe of all the many choices of products. But this culture shock had more to do with my identity.

I literally felt like a fish out of water. Like someone had taken me from the place where I breathe the best and thrown me onto the shore. And yes, it was amazing to look around and see everyone on the shore (and even eat the frosties on the shore!) but I had trouble breathing, and I wanted desperately for someone to throw me back into the water where I breathe the best. Because even though I lived on the shore for years, and people expect me to be able to breathe effortlessly on the shore, I have found that I belong in the ocean.

That's deep. pun intended :)

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