Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What's in a Name?

In the USA, I'm known as Darbi. Dibs, Darbs, Darbi doo, Darbi Doll, Dawbi doodle, Mama--those are all names I answer to.

In Zambia, I have one name and one name only--Meesees Bru. Nobody even realizes that I have a first name, or that my last name is Tidwell. I am just Meesees Bru. And that's fine by me.

Blu has had some interesting situations with his name. When he is not being mistaken as John Cena, he is called Meester Bru. The funniest story is when one of his workers in Mapanza came up to him and said "Bru!! I am your namesake!!" Blu asked him his name, and he responded, "Bruno!! Almost like Bru! We have the same name!" Everytime he sees Blu now he yells "Namesake!" in Tonga.

The other day in the capitol city, I called in an order for pizza that Blu was going to pick up, so I put it in his name. When he got there and they asked him who the pizza was for, he said for Blu. The man looked at him and said, "Sorry. We only have one for Bruso. Not for Blu."

1 comment:

Brian and Kelly Jo Kallevig said...

You should just order in John Cena's name! :-) maybe it will even be free! or at least some basela