Monday, March 29, 2010

Today's Top Ten

Things my kids know that they wouldn't know if they lived in America...

1) The inner workings of electricity and power outages
2) The difference between river sand and pit sand
3) How to pump water from a borehole
4) How to tie baby dolls on their backs to carry them around
5) How to look for snakes with every step they take
6) How to greet people in an African language
7) How to treasure a package of fruit snacks from America
8) How fun it is to check the mail and get letters (thanks BB&Joanna, Mrs. Telly, Mrs. Dianna and Mrs. Ann!!!!)
9) How fun it is to sleep under a mosquito net every night
10) How to expertly poop or pee in the grass anywhere in the bush

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well... 5 and 10 they might know... : )