It's one of my favorite times of the year - my picks for 2021 Books of the Year! With my grad classes, I didn't have near as much time for pleasure reading as usual, but that also means I read a WIDE variety of subjects, from good fiction, to good non-fiction, to thought-provoking academic and Christian literature. Here's a look at my must-reads from this past year!
It's basketball, it's Africa, and it's John Grisham. How could this not be my fiction book of the year?! Disclaimer: the ending surprised me and I didn't love it, but STILL. Book of the year, easily.
Blu and I started reading this book out loud back in January as we drove all over Colorado for our 20th anniversary trip. It's a real-life story of a woman who escaped from North Korea and what her life was like growing up there. I hadn't read much about North Korea before, and it was gripping. We both loved it!
I guess I would call this my "Graduate Degree Book of the Year." Out of all of the books I read for my classes (16+), this is the one that has stayed with me. I love a good, easy Dr. Dobson read, and this one did not disappoint.
I finish grad school on March 4th, so I'm hoping for plenty of time for "fun" reading in 2022! Happy Reading!