Monday, November 11, 2019

Cambree is 13!!!

We celebrated Cambree all weekend long as we geared up for her 13th birthday today, November 11th!  She is a beauty, inside and out, who keeps us laughing ALL the time!  She is a handful, stubborn like her daddy mama, and loves to light up those around her with her big smile!  Happy 13th to our Cambree Rain!

Best gift ever - she got her braces off ON her birthday!! 

We had her party on Saturday, November 9th, at Boondocks Event & Fun Center near our house!  It was a blast!  Her friends got her mostly candy and other hilarious gifts, such as this Jojo Siwa body wash!

Cambree & Keira, who was the life of the party!

The group of girls (all 8th graders) who came to help us celebrate!

And grandparents too!

Cambree & Bri 
Cambree & Hannon
Cam with Keira & Ruby
Some pics of the decor - the present/cake table!
Gorgeous cake made by our favorite cake maker Lee! 
LOTS of pizza..that we've now been eating for days!
This is what I get when I ask Caedmon & Cason to help put all the drinks on a table!  #ocd
Photo booth area!

Cambree & me :) #twins
Cason kept us entertained with his karaoke to country music!
Time for some laser tag!

Aunt Staci and Teacher Diana snuck in towards the end for a visit!
She is SO full of life!
On Sunday night, we had a special ring ceremony for her, since turning 13 is a big deal!
Blu gave a little message, Cason presented the ring, and Caedmon prayed the most beautiful prayer over her!

Two hearts - one is hers, one is Jesus! 
SOMEHOW, this very persuasive almost teenager convinced us to let her open all her presents the night before her birthday.  (It was either that, or get up at 5:30am to open them while everyone was still home...). She loved them all!
A hydroflask-sk-sk!
And stickers to go on it!  Which apparently she will NEVER put on there, she'd rather die, but it still made for a great laugh!

A gorgeous robe with her name on it!
Brooklyn & Bailey's LASH mascara and hat...because apparently that's a thing.
She danced the night away!
On Sunday, we also attended the Fall Fest at our local Baptist Encampment (about 5 miles from our house) with a few people from our church/youth group!  It was fun!  They loved the zip line!
I tried to prepare everyone for how loud (and girl-like) Blu would scream!  They believe me now.
We absolutely love our preacher and his wife!
Kids and friends!
Cason made his way to the photo booth for a picture alone! 
These two.... Emily went forward on Sunday to share that she had accepted Christ and will be baptized soon!
The Rocky Creek crew, minus a few!
Cason wants to try out for percussion in the band this week, so Blu gave him a few pointers (during Sunday afternoon nap time!)
Caedmon mentioned that Sunday morning's message was SO good and that he took so many notes.  I looked at his Bible later and he wasn't lying. ;)
This morning was the annual Veterans Day program at the school.  Cambree had speaking parts, Cason had speaking parts (the USAF part!), and Caedmon played in the band.  It was incredible, as usual!

 We are super proud of this veteran and so thankful for all of our veterans!

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