Monday, June 21, 2010


Witchcraft has such a strong hold on people in Zambia. It is seldom talked about, but everyone knows it is there...even in the churches...even among some Christians.

Last week, Pastor Maxwell called Blu to let him know that Margaret's mother, a woman who is known as "The Old Woman," was ready to give up her life of witchcraft. She had gone to a witch doctor, and he had given her many different items that she needed to pray to...seeds to help her crops grow...a reed from the river to help her get more water...etc. She came to a point where she realized that these items could do nothing to save her, and she wanted them gone. They were ready to hold a bonfire to burn her witchcraft items!

Maxwell told some people in Mapanza Baptist Church, but they did not want to attend, for fear that "something bad might happen." So Blu and our four volunteers from the USA attended the "ceremony." What an experience...
These were some of the items used

The old woman took an axe and broke the items before throwing them into the fire

Watching her old beliefs go up in smoke...



LyndseyLoo said...

God is so good. POWERFUL!

Emanuel's Blogs said...

I enjoyed viewing your blogs
God is powerful indeed.