Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday Thankfulness!

So a few things happened today that caused me to be really thankful, so I wanted to share them with you, so you can be thankful with me! :)

1) God provided for us financially in an unexpected way the exact amount needed to pay for Blu's seminary classes this semester!

2) My little boy (age 2 and 7 months) is potty trained!! It kinda happened overnight, and I'm loving it!!

3) I got a really long email from my sister in Zambia!

4) The kids slept til 8am this morning!

5) Plans are in the works for a Spring Break childless to be announced in the future--I'm leaving you in suspense until then!

6) I got Chicken Express for supper!

7) My Jessica - who knows all of my struggles and loves me anyway!

8) I got a one hour nap!

9) My little girl said "owie" and pointed to my bandaid!

10) Blu looked really good in his new jeans today.

Sometimes it's fun to stop and focus on the "little things" that can make a day pretty good :)


Brandi said...

Hey, what about getting to talk to me?

Did you read Missy's blog post? She talks about you guys!


Jessica said...

Yay!! Darbi loves me! lol. And I'm thankful for you too...more than you know. ILY!!

Tama said...

The little things! Thanks for the reminder!

A Family said...

What's Chicken Express?

Potty training success is a huge deal so enjoy that one!!!!

And I am so jealous about any trip that does not include children as we have no family here so we don't know what that's all about!


Julie Redman said...

how come brandi is always at the top of everyones blog comments????
it is the little things!

Brandi said...

Hey, you need to read this book with us! I'm thinking of you and Zambia! I even blogged about you!

Love ya,