Friday, December 25, 2020

All that Outdoorsy Stuff!

If you know me, you know I'm not the most outdoorsy of people, but we had 2 days in a row of outdoor activities during Christmas break!  First, we went to Heart of Texas Baptist Encampment for some ziplining and ropes coursing and rock wall climbing with the Tidwell cousins!

Caedmon & Bmaw

Cason, Brenden, AJ, and Caedmon

Paw & Bmaw with their grandkids

Cambree did the zipline once and she was done!

Caedmon had NEVER done a zipline - he's always backed out!  But HE DID IT!!

And the ropes course too!

Content to watch from the ground...

Blu made it to the top of the rock wall.  Easily. ;)

Caedmon on the zipline!

Cason is a daredevil!

He was the only other one who made it to the top of the rock wall!


Andie & Cambree

Cason & AJ

Caedmon made it almost halfway to the top!

Bmaw was TERRIFIED on the ropes course, but she did it!

These two are basically the same person.  They have the exact same personality!

Paw & Caedmon

She's gorgeous.

Brenden & Caedmon

Then, the next day, we took 13 of our youth who passed the Sunday School Challenge to attend 75% of Sunday Schools between August and December to Enchanted Rock!  It was quite the climb, but we did it!

Exploring the caves!

Matthew & Caedmon

Proof I was in the cave...but I turned around and nobody was with me to take my picture!!

Rylie & Cambree


Cam, Matt, & Caed

Blu being Blu..

Lunch at The Sozial Haus

Cason became Baby Jesus

The kids loved shopping at Dooley's 5 and Dime store in Fredericksburg almost as much as they loved Enchanted Rock!

Rylie and Cambree loving all the miniature items!

Rylie, Cambree, Caedmon, Matthew, Mikey, Cason, Matti, Claire, Jensine, Damian, Rex, and Emily

The ones who made it to the top!

Such a great group!

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