Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020 Book Review!

 Well, I read 63 books this year.  Is that a lot?  I can't remember how many I read last year, but it feels like a lot!  I read a TON of books to Blu as we traveled all over Texas, so that's always fun and provides lots of great discussion!  I had a hard time narrowing down my fiction favorites of 2020, but here goes!  

2020 Fiction Book of the Year

Now, I get that this book is a little controversial.  But no matter how you feel about immigrants, the Wall, and the security of our borders, I knew when I read it that this book would stay with me for a very long time.

2020 NonFiction Book of the Year

Y'all, this book was GOOD.  I read it aloud to Blu and we had a hard time putting it down.  We were constantly googling as we read to see where the characters are today, etc. It's crazy the stuff that is happening all around us that we have no idea about!

Honorable Mentions

Ok, so in no particular order, these are some other books that I had a hard time putting down!  Enjoy!

I always love a good Bill O'Reilly nonfiction book!  Every time I pass a stream or river with an Indian name, I think of this book and the stories that the banks of that river could tell...

I've read a ton of World War II novels, but I had never read a book about the internment of German or Japanese Americans (in Texas, even!) during the war.  It was fascinating.

I mean, can you even call yourself a Hunger Games fan if you didn't read (and love!) this book?!

This was a pretty intense read set in the American frontier - I loved it!

Aaahhh, this one right here.  This one was a VERY close second for my Book of the Year.  It is set in Africa and tells the story of a girl who rises up from her poverty and becomes everything her mom always said she could become.

There's so many more that I read that deserve a mention, but I'm going to stop here!  
I currently have a ton of books on my Kindle that I'm excited to read in 2021 - happy reading!

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