Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving in Zambia

Getting ready - yes I did make my daughter cut carrots with a butter knife ;)
You can tell I painted that morning!
Every year I watch my dad flawlessly and meticulously carve a turkey. As I dug my hands in there pulling off meat I realized he would be appalled! (So I took a picture ;)
Staci (missionary from Early, TX who serves about an hour from us) puts the finishing touches on the deviled eggs!
Not sure how we got a son who is a UT fan....
Jeff (Staci's husband) played a game of Spot It with the kids
Turkey, Ham, and Giblet Gravy (yes a REAL turkey, bought here in Zambia!! But the packaging said it was from North Carolina)
Yeast rolls, Strawberry Jello Salad, Cranberries, Waldorf Salad
Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Sweet Potato Casserole,
Buttermilk pie, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Rolls, Apple Pie
Kids ready to eat!
The ladies - Deb, Staci, Carolyn, Darbi
We even had football!!! Jeff downloaded last Sunday's game between the Jaguars and the Texans - Texans win overtime!! (you already knew that huh?)
And...Thanksgiving is over, Christmas tree goes up!

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