Monday, February 20, 2012

I Won a Hamper!!!

Today held a lot of adventures for us, but the highlight of it all was when I won a hamper! We were doing our personal and orphanage grocery shopping in Spar (4 baskets!), and as we were leaving the store one of the employees ran up to us and said "I need to see your receipt for the hamper!" Blu was very confused and we kept explaining that we didn't buy a hamper. She finally explained that if we spent a certain amount on certain products, we would WIN a free hamper! She ran off with our receipt to photocopy it and to get our hamper. I was excited, expecting a laundry hamper of some kind. Nope, instead she brought this. This, apparently, is a "hamper" in Zambia... :)

Kids first day of school! Cason was SO excited! He said "me happy!" Then he asked, "me yook cute mama?" :)

1 comment:

LyndseyLoo said...