Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hugging the Toilet...

So if you've been wondering where I've been........ that's right, I've been hugging the toilet.

We will be adding Baby #3 to the Tidwell family in November!! Now, first of all, you can all get your minds out of the gutter. NO, this is not a "New York baby!" We actually found out while we were IN New York that I was pregnant!

Secondly, my husband announced to our WHOLE church on Sunday that I was pregnant, without asking me first!! (I was home throwing up...) Can you believe that?! He's in trouble...

Thirdly, have I mentioned that I've been throwing up?? Like 7 times a day...and laying on the couch all day. Today I handed my kids a piece of lunch meat rolled in cheese for lunch as they watched tv, and then sliced them an apple while I sat on the couch. I'm definitely winning the Mom of the Year award this year! So please pray for me...I wasn't sick with Cambree but I was VERY sick with Caedmon, but having two toddlers makes it almost unbearable!!

Thanks ya'll!


Brandi said...

Oh sweet girl! First of all, CONGRATS!!! That's awesome!

Second, give yourself a break! 9 months of watching tv isn't going to kill them! Do things on your good days, and let them watch tv and eat crap on the bad days. . .I so struggled with this while I was pregnant with Gracie and a sweet, older mom who I respect told me to let it go and I found lots of freedom in it. .and, I was really diligent to do fun things while I DID feel good! So, go find a mom you respect and have her tell you the same thing!

Love you!

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness! I am going through the same thing! I am like 7 weeks along...due on November 24th. I have not been throwing up just nauseated though. I wasn't at all with Caleb so this is new for me. Really your kids will be fine it's your expectations for yourself that are making you feel bad. Just take each day as it comes and we will pray the sickness part passes quickly!

Anonymous said...

Poor darling!!! UGHHHH! Tell Blu to take over every night when he gets home and you get to SLEEPPPPP!


Becky said...

Wow! Congratulations........on the baby......not the toilet hugging!

Julie Redman said...

I can really relate to this post. Then I started thinking 5 of my six kids had a really crappy 9 months EVERY time I got pregnant. I threw up 6 of the nine months and with one I passed out cold at Fleet Farm! Don't even get me started on labor! haha. .... congrats on being pregnant! While toilet hugging one day my toddler came in and pounded on my back reassuring me everything would be okay. 12 years later it is finally funny. You will get through it....keep your chin up, literally!

KTandEMYsmom said...

YIPEE!!!!! I've been wondering where you've been! I hope youfeel better soon! Kt spent alot of time in front of the tv when I was pregnant with Em, waiting for dad to come home and feed her...they'll be alright...and so will you!

missy said...

How wonderful Darbi. Is it time to consider that second wife for Blu now...you know...just to help out for the next few months hee hee.


Amber G. said...

Oh, wow! That's great! (Bummer about the throwing up though... ugh.)
Congrats and I hope the sickness eases up soon.


Sherry said...

HUGE congrats Darbi and Blu! So sorry you are feeling wretched. :( Maybe some ginger would help?