Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What Cason's Been Up To

 Powerlifting, Track, and One Act Play is what he's been up to!  Spring is such a busy time for him!  We follow him around whenever we can to keep up with all he has going on and to cheer him on!

Regionals Powerlifting qualifiers - Cason and his boys!

One Act Play - the two Best Performer awards go to Cason & Devean! It's unusual to have 2 from the same school win both of these!

"Buddy Layman"

Setting up during the 7 minutes before the show

Bmaw is directing the play this year!

Track meet at McMurry University

Paw & Bmaw supporting Cason

If he has Cane's, he's happy!

It wasn't his best hurdle race, but he looks good!

Goofing around at OAP practice!

Working on Accounting in his spare time!

So proud of our boy!

Grateful to have a job that lets me work remote and do my therapy notes from the OAP performance!

Supporting Cason at the track meet with Grandpa & Mama Dee!

Caedmon drove from College Station to West to watch Cason at Regionals Powerlifting since we were in Asia with Cambree!

Bmaw & Cason

Best Performers!

Regionals was a tough meet for him, but we're so proud of his 2025 season!

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