Saturday, July 27, 2024

Summer Days!

Meet Olivia the Beautiful - she goes way back with our kiddos to GA and RA Camp in Alvarado!  And now she and Caedmon are quite close... ;) 

Headed to the lake for a Sunday afternoon!

So fun!

Gonna miss this smile!

Cason & Hunter

The handsome boat driver :)

The crew


We had to take Liv to eat at Underwoods!

A happy Monday!

We had a great VBS at our church and Blu somehow avoided the pie in the face!

Cason got a buzz cut - Caedmon is pretty good at hair!

Cason led a Wednesday night Bible study here at our house!

I love the lake!

Ready for church - I sent this snap to my sister!

We kinda like her a lot, if you can't tell :). She's a great girl!

Cason teaching his friends


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