Friday, January 12, 2024

Cambree at State Congress Debate

Last year, Cambree decided to try a new debate competition called UIL Congress Debate.  She did amazing and advanced to State her first year, just missing finals.  This year she was determined to medal at State (place in the top 6th) and she worked HARD at it!  She advanced to State and ended up reaching her goal!  It's hard to describe the competition, so here's the way the UIL website describes it.

Congress is an individual contest in a large group setting. It models the legislative process of democracy, specifically, the United States Congress. Within this mock legislative assembly competition, contestants draft legislation (proposed laws and position statements) submitted to the tournament, and they research the docket of bills and resolutions dealing with real-world  social and political policies prior to the contest to prepare their speeches. At the tournament, students caucus in committees, deliver formal discourse on the merits and disadvantages of each piece of legislation, and vote to pass or defeat the measures they have examined. Parliamentary procedure forms structure for the discourse, and students extemporaneously respond to others’ arguments over the course of a session.

2A Top 6 in the State, along with their Outstanding Presiding Officer

Bmaw sat through 2 full days of competition!

Cambree's friend Alexys was along for the ride and had fun with Cam!

Official pic from UIL

Official pic from UIL during State finals

We're tired but getting through the long day!

I was BLOWN AWAY by the beauty of the Capitol and the inside of the rotunda building!

6th in State!!!

Waiting for results in a packed auditorium!!

Their debate room

They draw for seats and sit at their placards

Having just been sworn in, Cam is headed to the chambers with her new friend (and competition) Jolie

I was geeking out over everything!

Ready to go at Prelims!

Caedmon got to watch the first morning session before he and Blu flew out to Zambia

Day 1 Fit

Blu worked so hard with Cam and hated to miss finals, but he drove there to watch as much as he could!

Look at her!

So awesome! Ready for a long day of Congress!

Cam got together this faction to vote against the boys in the afternoon session and flip flop the order of the docket!

Quick lunch break!

It's hard work but she had a blast too!

Being sworn in in the Capitol auditorium


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