Saturday, October 16, 2021

Blu's 40th Birthday!

On September 27th, Blu turned 40 years old!!  We had a family party for him on the 25th, and then a little party for him on his actual birthday!  Our family is FOREVER grateful for Joshua Blu Tidwell! 

Blu, who never takes any time for himself, actually enjoys playing golf (sometimes!) We had to leave his golf clubs in Zambia when we left, so he finally got some new ones!

With some neon yellow golf balls that will be easy to find! (Hey...I never said he was GOOD at golf!) ;)

Blu and his friend James turned 40 one day apart from each other!

Paw & Cambree at Blu's party

I don't remember what was so funny!

The original 5 Tidwells!  (Shade is on night shift right now and gave up some of his daytime sleep/rest to come to Blu's party!)

The 7 grandkids with Paw & Bmaw!

AJ, Keysi, Cason, Cambree, Andie, Brenden, & Caedmon

Blu requested a game of whiffle ball for his birthday!

The "little" boy cousins!

The originals again!

Recreating an old picture..

Paw & Bmaw got Blu an "Assault" rifle - a gun that shoots salt pellets at bugs!

Watching Blu open presents - he got a LOT of Home Depot gift cards!

Paw & Bmaw

So handsome :)

We had pictures from Blu's last 40 years all over the table - everyone loved looking at them!

Here's to (at least) 40 more years! :)

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