Tuesday, November 17, 2020

First Half of November 2020

We started off November with a LOT going on! November is always busy for us with activities, 2 birthdays and Thanksgiving, etc!  Here's a look at what we've been up to!
Cason had his last football game and he was the team captain!  He played QB for awhile and went 5-5 with a touchdown pass!

My crazy Chick-fi-la-obsessed husband...we had a new one open up in town, and he was determined to be the FIRST one there and get free sandwiches for a year!  He was the first, but he was waiting to go IN the store, which they didn't open, so by the time he drove over to the drive-thru, he wasn't first anymore!
But they felt sorry for him, so they gave him a little cow...he was ok with that!

Cason is getting ready for his Fall One-Act Play of The Shakespeare Stealer!

No, this is not socially distanced, but this was a moment during my Wednesday night small group where a girl shared a tough prayer request and the other rallied around her for hugs!

Mom and Dad have been working hard on our new house flip in Brownwood cleaning brick!

Blu has begun the process of floor leveling! 


Caedmon had his last JV game and he got to kick SO many times!

It turned into a great year for them!

The school website posted this!  I have no idea who Cason is with, or what he is doing...but I love getting a glimpse of my child at school!

Speaking of, here's Cason doing a food pantry handout with the rest of the Student Council!

Cambree is (barely) making it through football season....everyone asks if she loves being the mascot, and I have to honestly answer, "NO." ;)

She is loving JV basketball!  She has a great coach and we are seeing a lot of improvement this year! 

Cason and his friend Rex

Cambree and Rylie - they both hate this picture but they are TOO cute!

How Caedmon feels about HS Chemistry!

Paw and Caedmon at a cookout

We were making a delivery in Waco, and we drove by this and said, "Wait a minute...isn't this famous or something??" ;)

Mom & Dad at the Veterans Day Program put on by Bangs Middle School!

Cason did SO good!

He was proud to hold the USAF flag for his Grandpa!

Love this!

On Saturday, Cambree had a game north of Abilene, and Whitney's daughter had a tennis tournament in Abilene, so we got to meet up in the hotel lobby for a few minutes to chat!

Look at this adorable little shelf my Daddy built me!

And this Nativity stable for doing Advent with our family this year!!  

Random afternoon trip to the dentist for a teeth cleaning...so we stopped at DQ for blizzards afterwards!  #parentingwin

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