Saturday, August 8, 2020

Preteen Camp 2020

Preteen Camp is on!  Our pastor serves as the director for our association's Preteen Camp (at Heart of Texas Encampment, about 5 miles from us), so even though the date was pushed back from early June to late July, we were so excited that it was still on!  This is Cason's last year at Preteen Camp!  Blu served as a sponsor, and Caedmon was on the Rec Team.  (Mama and Cambree stayed home!!)

Caedmon and his friends Caleb and Matthew served as Rec Team for camp - they worked HARD!

Cason had a blast - can you tell??
There goes Blu, up the rock wall!

Awesome Cason!
Caedmon introducing himself to the camp!
And working hard at Rec! ;)
Meanwhile...these two were seeing what trouble they could get into at the grocery store....
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The Rocky Creek Preteen Group!
Craft time in the A/C.  Because it was July, ya'll.
When you can't hang out with girls from other churches because of COVID, you can at least talk through the vents!!
Caedmon and Matthew, ready for Rec!
Blu came home with SO MANY bruises from paintball!!
Indian leg wrestling!

Cason was so excited that his cousin AJ got to come to camp with him!
Cason and one of his best friends, Jensine, ready to arm wrestle. Check out her face!  
Meanwhile, back seemed like a good week to re-grout my kitchen!
It was a family effort!
I also organized my office and got ready for a new school year for our business!
Finally organized all of our receipts from the house Blu is building!

Born to be a church camp sponsor!
Ready, aim, fire!
Getting bored without the boys...
Cambree and her Limeade! 
We took an evening trip to Abilene to do some back to school shopping!
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These guys were still sweating at camp!
Church devotion time!
Love this pic!

Fearless Cason on the biplane!
Blu said the food was GOOD!

Cambree took this pic as I watched at the window for them to come home!

Some cousin time on Lake Brownwood!

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