Tuesday, March 15, 2011

School Days!

Well, the New Day School has officially begun!! School started Monday morning at 8:00am! Our kids were there bright and early (actually they were AWAKE bright and early, asking us if it was time to go yet!!)

Coming as a missionary to Zambia, I thought I would miss out on a lot of things--sending my kids to their first day of school was one of them. But the excitement was in our house on Sunday night and Monday morning as we got ready for school!

There are 5 students in the school, 4 girls and Caedmon! They range in ages from 4-6 and are in Preschool to Grade 1. The teachers are adjusting to teach at their level, so Caedmon is doing some Kindergarten and Grade 1 material. Since I started him homeschooling this year with Kindergarten, we are finishing up homeschool in the afternoons. Then, this summer, he will only go to the New Day School, and when we are in the USA next Fall, I will homeschool again. After that, he will probably attend school full-time at New Day!

I was very impressed by the teachers (they were VERY dressed up for the first day!). As I listened at the classroom door, there was definitely a lot of learning going on, and more discipline than I had expected! It was fun to listen in to Tonga class! Right now, the students are doing Phonics, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Music, Bible, and Tonga. Their day ends at 12pm.

Thanks to everyone who got the New Day School up and running!! From textbooks to teaching materials such as manipulatives, to reading books, to school supplies, to desks, to white boards, to bookshelves, etc., etc., thank you!!! :)

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