Sunday, February 27, 2011

Moving Day!

The day finally arrived for our girl workers to get to New Day! They had been waiting for months for us to finish their house, and it finally happened! They love it and are adjusting to life in the bush, as they are all "city" girls :) They are beautiful girls, inside and out, and we are blessed to have them at New Day as our employees! We have seen in a few short days that we are all a big family, and it's an awesome thing to be a part of!

Elizabeth and her daughter Machila in her room

Laurie showing off her new bed

Caedmon & Cambree on Machila & Purity's bed (sorry for the blurriness!)

Hildah, Racheal, & Laurie in their room

The kids already act like brothers and sisters!

Abby loves her new room and her "beautiful American decorations!"

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