Spring is always busy for us, so here's a look at some of what we've been up to, including what our boys were up to during Spring Break while we were in Asia!
Landon & Camille's sweet baby Camdyn!
We got to spend an evening with the Prescotts and play some dominoes - Oliver enjoyed the game!
A women's luncheon at church with my Mama!
Cason smoking everybody in the 300m hurdles!
Shin splints are killing him this year :(
Anchor leg of the 4x2 relay!
Good handoff!
Blu got some great live action shots of long jump!
Coach Buzzard and Cason
So handsome :)
We had Paw's birthday party and all the boys were there!
Mama & Daddy came too!
Splitting firewood, just because it's manly!
Paw :)
A random pushup competition
My baby boys!
Hamlin track meet
Caed & Cason got some good time together over Spring Break!
Waiting for his teammate
110 m hurdles
Back to work - my sand tray is ready to go at San Saba Middle School!
My sweet baby Oliver :)
Family time ;)
An evening at the Gideon's Pastor Appreciation Banquet
Me, Joy, & Ms. Bonnie
Blu is great with the babies :)
Olivia & Caedmon drove to Cason's Regional Powerlifting meet in Waco, since we couldn't be there! (Cason pretends to hate Olivia ;)
Caedmon got to do an escape room the other day - he didn't escape!
Me & my sis-in-law Rita
More bro hugs!
Still stuck in jail!
Powerlifting meet
This boy can EAT
My newfound love for dogs :)
GO Cason!
This dog was HUGE
My dad, the stud!
Such good form!
Caedmon enjoys playing on his work's soccer team!