Thursday, September 19, 2024

Heath & Katie's Wedding

We have been looking forward to Heath and Katie's wedding!  Heath graduated high school and headed to Howard Payne 4 years ago.  He became a youth intern for us and is now our pastor of missions at the church.  We were all so excited when he found Katie, and we can't wait to see how God uses their lives for Him!
Several of the youth came to the wedding - they were so excited!

My girls Gentry & Dyan!

Us with the sweet couple!

My forever wedding date

Us plus Liv minus Cam!

So handsome :)

I loved these pics in the sunset!

At the end of the ceremony

Such a pretty sunset wedding!

My main squeeze heading down the aisle to do his thing!

Awwww :)

We rode a hayride to the venue

We just need Cam in this pic!

Wedding hair :)

Cason dancing with Mrs. Von

What a sweet night :)

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