Thursday, September 19, 2024

An Update from Cam in the Philippines!

The highlight of our week is on Sunday evenings when we get to hear from Cambree!  We have about 2 1/2 hours where we get to catch up and hear all about her week!  We sure do miss our girl!

FaceTime is the best!

Family portrait!

Cambree has become really good friends with a sweet girl named Emma!

A youth event

They are staying at Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center, aka "The Farm"

Praying with some girls

First church service in the Philippines!

Cason (her teammates call it her voodoo brother!) on her pillow!

A fun day at the mall getting massages on their day off!

They are in class for 5 hours every day.

Leading a youth group

A sweet girl named Ziya at church

Her weekend ministry team

Hammack time!

Ace, Geoffrey, Cam, & Julia

Group time

Fun at the canteen buying snacks

Her bunk space!

Visiting with some girls with Emma

Cam riding with 16 year old Ashley.  Yikes!

Ready for massages!

Ministry weekend

Class time

More classtime

Love seeing that smile!

Cam & Acey

Cam is very excited about this fruit!

Washing clothes by hand!

Week 1 family portrait!

Their outdoor shower stall

Emma & Cam

Cam found a new mug at the market!

FaceTiming from bed!

Shopping day!

Canteen time!

Her wall space :)

Weekend ministry spot with her team

It's so green!!!

Class time with Jess

Presenting their project

This was day 1 in country, right off the plane!

The group


Day off!

Walking through the jungle!


New friends!

Group time

Her new pillow she bought at the market

Love these smiles!

That's our goofy girl!

Laundry day!

Singing special music with Emma - I love this pic!