Monday, August 5, 2024

Amarillo in August!

Caedmon moves back to A&M on August 9th, and Cambree leaves for Asia soon, so we decided to take one more quick family weekend trip together!  We headed to Amarillo and had a great time!

Road trips = me & Blu (and Cason) stuck in the back!

Bowling with the Olympics in the background

We had to stop at Cadillac Ranch!  "Matako" - our kids' favorite Tonga word!

It was SUNNY.  


Love this!


Gig 'em!

They're such good sports!

My man :)

Waiting for the TEXAS show to start!

Everyone being good sports for Mama.... :)

These 7D games are my favorite...or they used to be!  I came in last and felt SO sick afterwards!

Our kids had never been to Mardels and LOVED it!

Our hotel room was a win - plenty of room for all of us, which is hard when there's 5!

He was pouting because I shared a bed with Cambree and not with him ;)

It was a little bit windy! 

Yay!  Last time here I was was around 1991.


I have no idea.

Ready to fight the evil clowns!

Almost time for the TEXAS show to start!

We escaped from the zombies, with 6 minutes to spare!

I have gotten so brave at asking for virgin drinks - this coconut pineapple mule was good!!

Perfection :)

And also last week, Cason and I got some school shopping done!  

My mom, dad, and sister in Kilgore

Ready for my day :)

Love this pic of my best friend Whitney and my second family! 

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