Saturday, August 31, 2024

Football Week One + Some Randomness

My mama and my grandmother, who will be 90 soon!

My work people - the Federal Grants team at ESC Region 15

Liv & Caed at Midnight Yell in Aggieland

Rain.  Always raining in College Station

Landon & Cason - We were so grateful that Landon stepped in and did helmet decal day with Cason, since we were at the airport with Cam.  Cason loves this guy so much - we do too!

Get em #3!

It was a LATE night.  The game was delayed until 9pm and lasted until 11:45pm.

Cason's dragon paw - that I had to do twice because it got messed up in the rain the first time I did it....

Helmet is ready!

First pep rally of Junior Year!

Post-game pic with his Mama 

Saying Bye to Cam for a Year!

On August 28th, we put Cam on a plane for 10 months.  She'll be back on June 30th at 5am, and while we know she will have an amazing time and get to experience all the awesome things God is doing in Asia, we will most definitely be counting down the days!  These pics aren't in great order, but here's a look at the last few days of goodbyes and travel pics from Cam!

An unexpected FaceTime from Taipei, Taiwan!

The last wave goodbye

Watching her do all this alone was surreal.

She wasn't really sad - Blu just told her to look sad for 1 picture!

Heading into the airport - that's the luggage she gets for a year - a large duffel, a sleeping mat, and a backpack!

A nap on the way to DFW to get ready for 2 days of travel!

Last road trip together for awhile!

Ready to go!

One last Mama Dee hug

Saying bye to Grandpa & Mama Dee

Amber came to Brownwood the day before she left and got to get a hug from Cam.  These two are the two best huggers I know.

Notice the background....we somehow (it was God) ended up in this far corner of the airport at Terminal B...there was no one.... no one checking in, no one in security - it was a very private goodbye and I was so grateful!

She went through security and had to figure out how to get on the Skyline and switch terminals to find her new gate that they changed.

One last pedi before she left!

Her team (minus 2 who got delayed by 24 hours!) at one of their layovers!

Cam found Andrew & Geoff from her team in DFW, so she ended up not having to do ANY of the travel on her own!

Oh the adventures her Cason doll is about to have!

Cam has enjoyed Adrielle on her team

A last meal together for awhile!

Uno in the airport with teammates

Walking through the Taipei airport

I was tired.  And sad.

That last hug.  I didn't want to let go.

Her last USA meal she wanted?  A huge steak and baked potato!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

August Adventures!

We've been up to a lot in August, and trying to stay cool while we do it all!  Here's a look at all the things!

Cason had a great first two scrimmages!

The parents and grandparents checking him out in the scrimmage against Goldthwaite!

It is a JOY to watch Cason (and this whole crew) worship!

Cason and his friends cheering on the Varsity girls volleyball team!

Junior year football pics!


First day of Junior Year!

Meet the Dragons - all the cousins made it except for AJ, who had band practice!

Love this giant smile :)

What a crew for Meet the Dragons!

AJ & Cason enjoying some lake time

Cason & one of his closest friends, Noah

Catching a pass during two a days!

The ENTIRE crew at Meet the Dragons!

Last family pic for awhile :(

Mama Dee & Grandpa

A random picture of my first day on the new job! (It was 5:45am.....)

Paw & Bmaw

Look at this guy!

The cousins minus AJ!

Bros :)

My fave 3

Cason got a buzz cut again, and his skiing scar from when he busted his head open when he was 10!

Cam drove down to College Station to spend a night with Caedmon and say goodbye!

Her last Sunday at church - sharing about her upcoming year!

She's also been going to the nursing home every week to play guitar and help out with a Bible study there!

Look at this!  Cam's friend Kirsten graduated from Navy Boot Camp!

So purty :)

Sure do love my Cam and Camille!

Mama Dee & Cam have had a few shopping trips together before Cam leaves!

 More of Cam & Camille, who is expecting a baby in February!

Bmaw & Cambree

Big smiles at church!

Family time!

This is what Cam gets to pack.  For a year.

Daddy to the rescue - it is CRAMMED in there!

A Saturday date - breakfast & a movie!

Her last Wednesday leading worship!

This pic - she went and bought school supplies for her PAL from last year, and his FACE.  Oh my goodness.

Fun times with my girl!

She has enjoyed her days at home and not in school!

Landon & Camille :)

One of the biggest blessings in Cam's life

Cam is a morning person.  Caed is not.

Cam & Caed's girl Liv

Another pic of Ryan, so excited about his new backpack!

Meanwhile, here's Caed!  He attended his first Rangers game in YEARS with Olivia and Mrs. Telly!

Fun in College Station

Walking the campus the night before classes to make sure he knows where his classes are

Hanging out with his girl - she's a sweetheart :)

This is his house he is renting with friends for the year - a step up from their apartment for sure!

Cousin time

Leaving for Aggieland!

His room (and computers. and LEDs.) is all set up!

One of his classes sends him on a hunt each week finding different plumbing, mechanical, or electrical items all over campus, and he has to take selfies with them!  I cracked up when I got these pictures!

Liv's cute dorm room!

First day of Junior Year at A&M!

We hosted a cute wedding shower for Heath & Katie - their wedding is soon!

That banana pudding shirt....

My sweet fam having flowers out and the sweetest card for me the night before I started my new job!

A not so fun medical procedure...

This made me laugh - Blu said he thought I was dead ;)

A family pic.  Kinda.  Minus one.  Soon to be minus two.