Friday, July 3, 2020

Youth Camp 2020!

We were so blessed to be able to attend Youth Camp this year in Floydada TX at Plains Baptist Assembly!  Blu and I were summer staffers at this camp in 1999 so it was CRAZY to be back.  It was so surreal watching our kids swim in the pool we lifeguarded at 21 years ago!  It was definitely a different camp experience.  We only interacted with our own church group, which was sad at first but ended up building SUCH unity with the 21 kids we brought.  Food was brought to us in our dorm, we did temperature checks twice a day, and hand sanitized like crazy.  Only about half of the activities were available to us, but we had an amazing time and the worship and preaching were incredible.  Lives were changed this past week in our youth group.  We were blessed.  Here are LOTS of pics, in no order!

We are blessed with an amazing intern, Landon, and his wonderful girlfriend Camille!  They were awesome co-sponsors with us!  

Plains Baptist Assembly is a camp that is down in the bottom of a canyon - it is so beautiful in a rugged sort of way!  A group of boys got up to do a sunrise hike with Blu!  

Cason isn't technically in the youth group yet, but since 4 of our family were going, they let him go even though he is in the 6th grade!  He got to have some amazing experiences, like a guitar class!
Speaking of amazing experiences, I shot my first gun (that wasn't a BB gun!). It was just a 22, but STILL!  I hit the paint can a few times!
Cambree and Emily shooting 22s.
I spent a LOT of time with these two!
A very hot late morning hike!
The Amazing Race - Cason got wrapped!
Me praying with Adriana after worship - looking at this picture I kinda wonder how she could look at me and take me seriously in that outfit/headband/face paint!
Me at any youth event (or event where there are girls) = TONS of hair braiding!

Ready to go!  21 youth and 4 sponsors!

We stopped and had pizza in the park in Post, TX!
Twice daily temperature checks!
Cason and Camille matching in their bleached shirts!
Team Charmin ready to go!

An epic (well, not really) arm wrestling match between Cambree & Donovan!
Caleb finally beat Donovan - I love the smiles on all of the kids in this pic!
Bible study time in our cabin
Playdoh creations!
Blu and Connor - such a sweetie!
Matthew took Cason under his wing all week and looked out for him!
Gaga Ball!
Blu ready to go for Spirit Night!
Representing the Red Team!
Matt, Caedmon, and Austin
This was the first night - we don't look too terribly tired yet!
Caedmon and Matt
Me and my baby!

Amazing Race - carrying a water balloon with your back and squatting it into a bucket!
A little mismatched here! to make a cup of coffee....??
Not sure how to caption this, but I'll say, "Look!!  The cute guys from the Band just walked in!!!"  ;)
Blu and Connor's thoughts during Media class...
Cason agreed....
Caedmon and Matt weren't impressed either...
Time for some Bazooka ball!  They are guns filled with Co2 that shoot foam ping pong ball things!
They got to play paintball on Thursday too!
Blu says he's too old for this...
Kalee and I didn't want any part of that!
The stealth crawl...
Moving on to shotguns and shooting clay disks!

We got a little bit of pool time too!  The water was COLD!

Our church was the only one that participated in the Skits class!  We had about 6 kids do an amazing skit in front of the camp called "The Bus Stop!"
Time for 80s night!

I love these two! Cam & Em :)
Matt, Caed, and Caleb
Oh how I love Connor Freeland!!  He came up to me and Camille and put his arm around us and said, "Heyyyyyy ladies........"  We DIED. ;)
Wrapping Cason up!

LOTS of Dr. Pepper was consumed this week!
Getting pumped up at the morning rally!
Adventure Course Time!
Cambree & Trinity ready to go! (Cambree quickly backed out....)
Go Cason!
Caedmon almost set the record for the slowest time!  He does NOT like heights!
Cam and I enjoyed the view from down below!
Go Blu!

We spent an hour one afternoon just hanging out in the dorm talking/braiding hair!
Beach Night!

I LOVED us all being at camp together!  (Even though Cambree liked to say, "Imagine being at camp without your parents...." ;)

Wednesday night was the Lip Sync Battle!  Cason was SO brave to compete!
Caedmon and Matt rapped a TobyMac song!
Here goes Cason!
He did the song "Believer" and at one point threw his hat into the audience - he was SO great and got 4th place!
Kate Watson was the Camp Emcee (a country pop singer who was on American Idol) and our group (ahem, the boys in our group) ADORED her!
Morning quiet times! 

Somehow I got stuck with the animal group one day and had to spend an hour watching them hold and pet chickens, rabbits, and goats.  *sigh* "Yes, I'm SURE I don't want to hold a chicken."
Western Night - looking pretty tired on Day 4 of camp!
We had a western burger cookout!  Cason and Kirsten
A couple of "Cowboys" - haha!

Supper with Kate Watson!
Cambree & Emily all cute for Western Night!

Helene and Hudson are 2 of our seniors who have been dating almost 2 years.  They were the CUTEST on the dress up nights!  They did a Cowboy and Indian for Western night!

Friday morning, and that's a wrap on Youth Camp 2020!

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