Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Cason - #11

We are really enjoying watching Cason play football this Fall! His games are on Saturday mornings, short and sweet, but he has two 2 hour practices each week, where he is learning a TON!!  He has tried soccer, which he grew up playing and is quite good at, but he has issues with his heels/growth plates that made last year's soccer season and all the running tough for him.  He tried basketball, which he didn't love, and he tried baseball, which he improved on and seemed to enjoy throughout the season.  Football, however, is what he seems to have a knack for.  Maybe something about being the youngest and having pent-up aggression towards his siblings, but he definitely has a head for the ball!  The coaches call him the hardest hitter on the team and love to watch him tackle!  Now, if you ask Cason, he'll tell you he doesn't like football because the pads are itchy and the practices are too long, but don't be fooled.  He loves the games, and he loves finding someone to tackle!  Go Cason!

He is on the Bangs Dragons 5th-6th grade team!  He's the age of a 5th grader, since he started school early, but he's one of the biggest!  

Love that smile!

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