Monday, March 5, 2012


Some exciting things have been happening here at New Day!

1) Last week, a young man named Protashow gave his life to Christ! He has been our "truck driver" the past 2 years, driving Blu's truck to collect sand, crushed stones, bricks, etc. for building. I can't help but think of a volunteer from Arkansas, Mike Phillips, who was the first person to work with Protashow and who told us what a good worker and driver he was - volunteers plant seeds! Wes had the opportunity to lead Protashow to Christ!

2) Yesterday at church, another one of our workers, Biggie, accepted Christ as His Savior! He came up to Blu after the service and told him that he wanted to talk to him about following Christ! Blu's dad worked with Biggie on the electrical lines two years ago - more seed planting by volunteers!

3) And speaking of electricity...apparently the government did make a call to the electric company, because they were here bright and early this morning with poles and a huge work crew! We only need about 2-3 days work before they can switch us on - seeing electricity become a reality is beyond exciting!!

4) The government worker who visited a couple of weeks ago also came back today with a Chinese man who is the head of the road construction crews in our area. They discussed what needed to be done to improve our turn-in onto our land and build a strong, gravel road all the way up to our staff houses. They said they would begin work next week on our roads!

5) And last, but not least...the two crates that our ladies shipped from the USA in December have arrived at the Zambian border! They will be in the capitol city in the next few days and Blu will pick them up next week!


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