So we crammed everything on the bus and barely had room for us each to have a seat!

The trip was going well, and at Monze I was so excited to realize we would be at New Day in less than 2 hours!! But that came to a halt about halfway down the Pemba road....a short 30 minutes from home......when we got to the river. Yep, there was no way we were crossing that!

The driver wanted to do it, but Blu assured him that we would be swept away. So we turned around, drove 2 more hours (Cambree burst into tears at this news), and finally got to New Day in time to unload and throw together a quick supper!!
The reunions were amazing - I should have taken pictures but I wanted to just enjoy them. The kids gave the biggest hugs to each other and it was awesome!
After about an hour I heard this loud commotion outside, and it was all 14 kids piling onto the trampoline! :)

Giving our gifts to the staff was so fun - everyone gave me huge hugs but Mrs. Choma probably topped the list. She threw herself on the ground and started rolling around, then jumped up again and lifted me off my feet and nearly flung me over her shoulders. This is all for the set of 4 tupperware and chronological Bible storying cloth I got her! It was....an experience. :)
Internet is working but not fast. My kids went back to school today and were so excited to be there. My 15 trunks are unpacked and things are almost organized.
When I walked down to the orphanage part of New Day this afternoon, all of the kids were on the soccer field, running, yelling, and laughing....and as cheesy as this sounds, it felt like all was right in my world. :)