Friday, October 23, 2009

Vampires or Jesus??

The kids have a new "Jesus movie" that they've been watching lately. It is not at all unusual for us to hear Caedmon (who is an up and coming movie quoter) yelling through the house "It is written!!!" "Where is your God now?!"

Last weekend, my mom told me that Caedmon told her "If you don't stop that, I'm going to make you drink my blood!" I was shocked and furious and asked Caedmon, "Where did you hear that?! Who says that??" assuming he had seen a vampire movie or something.

Caedmon just looked at me real confused and said "Jesus. He holds out his hand and says this is my blood. Drink it."


1 comment:

Arlessa said...

Darbi, I read this and about died laughing!!! Leave it to a boy to come up with that interpretation. LOL!!!