Monday, February 10, 2025

February Fun

February is flying by, after January crawled by!  We are enjoying the sometimes 90 degree and sometimes 30 degree weather this month!

Whitney and I had our annual girls night out at our fave AirBnb in Sweetwater, Texas - our halfway point!

Hot tub!

We played tons of old records!

Whitney made us an awesome Hugo Spritz!

We love the Hen House!

Cason meanwhile got spoiled by Mama Dee's meatloaf!

Baby shower for Landon & Camille - she's so close!

We also said goodbye to Mama Lala - first with a funeral in Cleveland, TX.  Our boys got to attend this one with us.

When you're the last child at home...

Blu playing some 84 at Jolly Elders

Speaking of a jolly elder, my grandma Marie is still hanging in there!

It was great getting to see so many missionaries we used to serve with at the funeral.  Childhood friends and MKs Taylor & Emily are all grown up!

Blu dragging my dad to HS basketball games!

Dropping Caed back off in College Station

My boys

Chef Caedmon ready for the Super Bowl!

Blu...always getting in trouble...

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