Sunday, January 19, 2025

Cam's last of the Philippines and short trip to Tokyo!

Cam has been a little all over the place in Asia the last few weeks!  Here's a glimpse of some of her adventures! 

This is her home for the next 3 weeks!

A fun snorkeling trip with her team before they all scatter for this semester!

Emma, Cam, Adri, Geoff

Miss this goofy girl!

Daniel, Cam, Andrew, & Emma

They got to spend a couple of days in Davao City at Paradise Beach Island.  She got some SUN for sure!

Cam & Emma

She spent a few days in Tokyo training - and the weather dropped by 45ish degrees!

Streets of Tokyo

Another airport!

She loved her time reading on the beach!

Silliness with Andrew

What a view!

Her favorite snack in the Philippines was halo-halo!

She's tried all sorts of things - fruit on the streets of Tokyo!

Her new home - with "Blarbi" - a little bear we sent her at Christmas!

Bus ride with Julia & Lydia

Ramen in Tokyo!

Fun snorkeling!

A temple in Tokyo

Crowded subway rides!

One of her supervisors

She's earned this rest after her first semester!

Adri & Cam

Love our FaceTime calls!

Cam & Emma

Waiting for the subway

Pomelo - her favorite Filipino fruit!

YES girl use that sunscreen!

She can't get enough coffee!

Crowded subway!

View from the subway in Tokyo

Cam's fruit trays taking up the fridge!

Ready for a swim!

First time to try sushi!

A room with air conditioning!!

Ready for snorkeling with Adri!

Always braiding someone's hair!

Now that's a Japanese feast!

Another Japanese temple

She is now in the country she will be in for the next 4 months.  We can't post publicly for security reasons, but please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she builds relationships in this new place!

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