Thursday, December 22, 2016

Pre-Christmas Festivities!

There's been lots going on at New Day this week before Christmas! Here's a look at what we and the Rosemont team have been up to!

Cindy & Edna

Lulu & Ruby working on something that looks dangerous...

A late night, all-men game of Risk!

Adam showing his drone to some villagers! So far the drone has been called a bomb, a witch's airplane, and a spy tool used by the President of Zambia!

Have I mentioned the washing machine in The Ark is broken???

Cate and a pet chameleon!

Cindy has her hands full!

I can't wait to show you the finished product of the new bulletin board!

Colby was excited to be reunited with sweet Esther!

Gracie getting some experience negotiating to buy mangoes from the bus window!

Our second septic tank has now collapsed due to heavy rains - Colby & James fixed it in a day!

The kids have been busy with Cindy doing Christmas Around the World! They studied 4 countries and 4 Christmas traditions that came from those countries - Germany gave us the Christmas tree, so they made Christmas tree ornaments!

A few more pictures I found of the kids at the Choma Radio Station!

Ally and others having fun on the seesaws!

The team made 220 cut out sugar cookies for the kids to decorate to take to another local orphanage for Christmas!

A lot of work, but I think they had fun!

We were the "bag and tie" station!

Not sure Justin understood the "Make 2, eat 1" rule!

Every picture I snapped had someone licking their fingers!

The Tidwell kids have been having lots of sleepovers this month!

Cason is becoming a pro at cinnamon rolls!

Highlighting his Bible like B-Maw does!

Meet the Zambian "Christmas Bug!"

The greeting line at church has gotten long!

So excited about the suitcase of presents Paw & B-Maw sent with the team!

Matching shirts for Dad & Fence...not sure what's more impressive - that they STILL have these shirts from 2005, or that Dad's is so clean!

Francis turned 12 and is now in the youth group!

Grandpa & Cason hard at work!

Jacey making a board game for ESL class

Her yellow boots have certainly come in handy!

Buying mangoes out the bus window!

I had Mom over for lunch (quinoa and Spark)! Not sure she'll be back!

Andrew & Christen Phipps from Welch, Texas donated this playscape to go down by the kids' houses! Setup was fairly easy (1 day!) thanks to the team, and the kids were so excited to try out the monkey bars!

Edna showing off her star during last week's Sunday School lesson!

Mainza's star!

Shirley Powers and her Bible study group from Collierville, Tennessee donated these Crocs for our kids - they desperately needed sturdy playshoes!

Today we had our Staff Christmas Party for the half-day New Day workers! (agriculture, maids, cooks, etc.) We had a blast! Blu challenged them to imagine what New Day would look like without them - no milk from the cows, no store or grinding mill, dirty toilets, etc. We are blessed by them!

We put all of our irritating coins in a jar and had the staff guess the amount!

Noah was ready to make a big guess, but it was sad to realize how little concept they had of money and value! Most of them guessed in the thousands, but it was K148.25! Michael got the closest with a guess of K150!

Fence won a bag of mealie meal for a door prize!

Joyce won a blanket!

Savior won the fertilizer!

Smiles all around!

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