Saturday, October 27, 2012

Team Bob & Dee from Collierville, Tennessee!

Well there's good news and there's bad news! The bad news is that my new camera Blu got me for Christmas broke. :( The GOOD news is that I am now using my old camera again which means the pictures are not as high quality, meaning I can upload tons of pictures very quickly to my blog! So now I don't have to be selective in what I post -you get to see a little of everything! That IS good news, right??? :) Is it just me, or are the colors in Africa brighter than anywhere else? :)
Ever wondered what the Lusaka airport looked like? (See, I told you I didn't have to be selective with pictures now!!)
Axer getting a checkup from Dr. Bob
Axer - quite possibly the most photogenic child EVER :)
This is my view from my kitchen window out into our backyard - I LOVE this tree!
I like this pic because you can see Blu on the roof with the bucket of water!
Dr. Bob wrote a children's book about going to the doctor, and he gave each of our kids a signed copy! They LOVED it, especially the coloring page in it!
Catching a chicken :)
These are our layer chickens. They lay 30 eggs a day, and the orphanage uses 140 in a week. We sell the rest to ourselves or the villages around us.
Bob working on the new school roof
Love this picture of Christina!
I also love sweet Gertrude - she has finally started to adjust and her behavior is much better! She LOVES to sing and dance!
Sorting gifts that Bob & Dee brought us - such cute clothes for the kids and lots of great new games!
Dee with the "3 Musketeers" - Cambree, Laurie, & Purity
Dee's job for the 10 days she is here is to take Cason, Axer, and Phillip out of the Stars class and work with them so that Teacher Carolyn can focus on some of the newer non-English speaking children who have come recently and are behind the others.
These are Felix's two wives. Felix and his wives recently accepted Christ in our new area, Nabukowa. They come to church at New Day every Sunday and we are eager to see them grow in their faith.
Look at all that Dr. Bob & Dee brought us!
Jenga! The kids love this game, and Purity is the New Day Champion!
Joyce & Michelle
Look at this boy who came to Kids Club last week - as my sweet friend Laura Taylor would say, "God love him!" :)
Local ladies cooking for Kids Club last week - that's a LOT of nshima!
Cason might be a little spoiled being the "baby" at New Day, you think??
Bob & Blu have built 6 bookshelves for the library!
And finished the library ceiling!
Mapanza Baptist Church, where Maxwell is pastor and we have women's Bible study every Tuesday afternoon
House Mother Margaret with the New Day girls
Martha the Cow who has STILL not had her calf!
Love Misheck's smiling face!
Teacher Carolyn working on Phonics with the Moonlight Class
Moonlight & Rainbow classes ready for Music!
The girls LOVED the new handmade dresses from the team!
This is how we eat supper often when the electricity is out!
Blu had the kids do an obstacle course on our big playground during P.E. last week!
The kids love the rope climb!
Working on puzzles
The kids love the racetrack that Bob & Dee brought!
These are our lazy dogs, Shadow & Sonic :)
Every day at school the kids have snack time where they get a box of milk (Thanks Uncle Charlie & Aunt Martha for paying for this!), cornflakes or crackers, raisins, and an apple or orange.
All of our teachers and kids at New Day (we miss you Teacher Diana!)
After all of those pictures I'm sure many of you are very thrilled that my new camera broke :) Thanks for praying for New Day!

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