Sunday, October 17, 2010


...things that happen in church in Africa...

1) Women get excited while singing a song and suddenly grab their purse, put it on top of their heads, and run up to the front while dancing...with their purse on their head. I wish I had some deep insight into why they do this..but nope...I'm as perplexed as you are on this one...

2) Women get excited when a choir is singing so they run up to the front with their chitengi (material they use to wrap around their dress) and start fanning the choir,using their chitengi as a cape. All while screaming a loud, shrill, cry at the top of their lungs. Personally, if I was singing in the front and someone ran up at me with their material and started fanning it at me and squealing, yep..I think I would pretty much die laughing and not be able to finish the song...

3) The preacher comes up to Blu 5 minutes before the sermon and asks Blu is he is preaching today. "Do you want me to preach?" "Yes of course!" "Ok..." So Blu hurriedly flips to Numbers (personally not the first book I would flip to if I was told I would be preaching a sermon in five minutes...), comes up with a sermon (thank you Holy Spirit!), and proceeds to preach for 25 minutes. Talk about being ready in season and out of season!

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