If something can go wrong..it will...
Sometimes that's how we feel here in Zambia!! The last few days have been chaotic! From having to move out of our Choma house unexpectedly (while a team is here!), to the generator breaking (which means no electricity AND no water - again while a team is here!!), to my parents being delayed in New York and missing their overseas flight, making them arrive 30 hours later than expected in Zambia, to me having a blowout on the way to go get them, causing me and the kids to miss the airport reunion, to our gas stove running out of gas the day AFTER Blu went to Choma......it has been a crazy few days!!!
But hopefully things will calm down before our Alabama team arrives on Thursday! Please pray for us as we juggle 12 volunteers at New Day and do some painting, evangelism, and playing with the kids!
Ok, some New Day happenings:
1) Allison & Lyndsey killed a chicken!! (pictures to come). First of all, they chased one, and after about 10 minutes finally caught it (let me point out, it was a crippled chicken that hopped on one leg, and it still took them 10 minutes!!) So after taking a proud picture with their chicken, Kalenga tells them "No, that's not the one we will kill. It is crippled and we can't eat it. You will kill that one." And he points to a rooster that immediately took off at full speed! After another 15 minutes the rooster was caught. Allison was all ready for the kill (she had the feet pinned down with one foot and the wings pinned down with another, knife in hand...) when...yep..you guessed it...she chickened out ;) (wouldn't you?!) So Abigail grabbed the knife and started chopping and blood starts flowing all over poor Allison's shoes and toes... (which is hilarious considering the amount of times Allison washes her feet each day!!) At this point, Allison is screaming, Lyndsey is gagging making lovely puking sounds, and I am on the ground trying to control my bladder. It was awesome ;) So we plucked the feathers, cooked some pumpkin leaves and cabbage, and had a lovely traditional Zambian meal!
2) Carolyn began doing teacher training for Abigail and Hildah and they are all loving it! The girls are asking tons of questions and say each day that they wish it didn't have to end! Carolyn is doing a great job with them. Meanwhile, Lyndsey & Allison are in the classroom teaching and said it is much harder than they thought it would be (due mainly to the multiple learning levels in the classroom and especially the non-English speakers!)
3) We are having some INTENSE volleyball games here at New Day--girls versus guys. The girls have yet to win, but we are definitely the more skilled team :)
I guess that's all! I'm in Lusaka now, Blu will drive to Lusaka tomorrow as I'm driving home, and he'll bring back the team on Thursday. They will be here one week, and then the 17 of us will go to Livingstone/Lusaka as they fly out--then we will get 3 weeks with my parents (they are currently up in Northern Zambia with my sister).
So that catches you up! Please pray for a good week at New Day!