We were in a tornado this weekend! Tornados have always fascinated and terrified me. I grew up about 12 miles from the town of Jarrell, where the F-5 tornado of 1997killed several people, so I always pay close attention when bad weather comes and take tornados very seriously!
This weekend, we were spending time with family in Brownwood/Early, Texas. We were in Early on Friday night at Blu's brother's home, watching tv. 6 adults, 5 children under the age of 4. Out of nowhere, we hear this big boom of thunder. We ran outside thinking it was a space shuttle or something because we had no idea storms were coming. Sure enough, we saw some dark clouds and it started to rain a little bit. Cloud (Blu's brother) rushes outside to pull in his 2009 Maserati. While he's gone, we hear a loud noise that we knew was hail. Cloud then rushes in and says that when he pulled his car in, the radio had sirens going off and said there were tornados in Early and we needed to take cover. We got all of the kids into the hallway and watched out the windows as trees blew so hard. Then, everything got still. At this point, we all moved to the big window to see what was happening!! Then, the wind started again and this time we got really scared and moved to the closet. The kids did ok but were not happy about being in the closet with the lights off. We had no tv, no internet, and couldn't get a radio station so we had no idea what was happening. Finally, around 10pm things calmed down and we ran next door for some matches. The neighbor informed us that a fence blew into his windows. Limbs were down everywhere. As we drove back out to Lake Brownwood from Early, we saw that buildings were missing siding, signs and poles were leaning, and limbs were all over the place! There was no power at the lake either until almost 1am. We then found out that there were 4 confirmed sightings of a tornado touchdown at Early High School, DIRECTLY across the street from where Cloud's house was!!! Kroger lost part of its roof, Higginbotham's lost its roof, and Hastings was damaged pretty bad! Cool, huh!!! I've now been in Hurricane Isabel in Virginia, an earthquake in Acapulco, and now a tornado in Early!
And, now, as a reward for reading this long blog that was a slight exaggeration of actual events but mostly accurate, you can receive access to some privileged information! www.newdayorphanage.org Enjoy! :)